Sunday, 17 February 2013

Blowing away the cobwebs

Having started the week in the slightly chaotic world that is nursing a sick child, I was keen to get some fresh air and a change of scenery this weekend.  Having blown my weekly budget at the beginning of the week on clothes (I had set out to buy a pair of jeans and returned home with a sweater, a jumper, a summer top and a dress) finding somewhere cheap and cheerful was a priority – and what’s more cheerful than the British seaside? 
I made a deal with myself in the morning: if I could complete ten of the chores on my list by 10:30am then we I was allowed my day trip.  As it is I missed the deadline by half an hour but I still gave myself the reward and at 12:30 we arrived in Scarborough. 
Making footsteps in the sand
I’ve never been to Scarborough before and with the exception of knowing that it used to hold a fair where one could buy parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme (in pretty, harmony) my expectations were fairly non-existent.  As it is, it’s basically the same as all other British sea fronts: long stretch of lovely sandy beaches already heavily populated with people eating ice cream (well, the sun was shining) with casinos, arcades and chippies along the main road.  The view looking back from the beach was of the castle on the top of the hill, the obligatory lighthouse and picturesque town houses and bach huts which instantly transport you back to the Victorian era.  Sadly, closer inspection showed that a new coat of paint was the very least that these houses needed and following a stroll along the beach we hit a high street rich in quantity of shops but poor in terms of quality.  When the Body Shop, Next and H M Samuel are the “smart” shops on the high street you see how much places suffer from being holiday hot spots rather than places of real investment.
Simply adorable

Not to worry, it was exactly what I was after.  The sun was bright, the wind light and refreshing, the beach dry (mostly) and we all benefited from doing something and being somewhere a little bit different.  Percy enjoyed being admired by one and all and became particularly enamoured with a Great Dane he met on the beach.  Alby was thrilled with the half hour he spent out of the buggy stomping and running in the sand.
Taking in the view

I wanted to buy Mark a cheesy postcard at the end of our trip but trying to negotiate narrow shop fronts with our tank of a buggy and Percy was too much for me.  Instead we stopped at a Farm Shop on the way home where I bought apples (for me), a sausage (for the boys) and ginger cookies which I’ll send off to my hero tomorrow. 
Walking a dog on a beach?  Such fun!

1 comment:

  1. Dog walking looks so much fun. He is so grown up and looks just like Mark! xx
