A huge
thank you this week to Alby’s Poppa and GG who bought him a swing for
Christmas. I thought Alby would like
it. I was wrong, he loves it. And thankfully, unlike the Jumperoo which he
has never spent more than 5 minutes in, the swing is proving a worthy
babysitter keeping Alby thoroughly occupied whilst I run about the garden
keeping my mad football loving bulldog entertained.
I never
appreciated that Alby would love the great outdoors so much but I guess after
14 months where the only outside time is in a pouch or buggy, being able to
actually experience the outside world – walk on tarmac and grass, pick up
stones, conkers and leaves, touch the dew..., is like having an adventure play
ground on your doorstep.
These days
I just have to show Alby his shoes and he has scampered over to the front door,
pulling on the frame with his fingers in a desperate effort to get
outside. As he has yet to master even my
most simple of commands – “don’t walk on the road dear”, “puddles are dirty
Alby, yuck” and “come here Alby”, I’ve been redirecting him to the back
garden. Initially he is happy just to
walk up and down the path but eventually laughing at Percy and admiring the mossy
concrete grows tiresome and he heads over to the gate in a bid for the
front. At this point I bundle him into
the swing (which randomly is set very high) and he is content for a good twenty
minutes or more.
Thanks must
also go to my dad who put the swing together for me. Combined the grandparents have made this week
almost easy!
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