Friday, 18 January 2013

Emotional rollercoaster

From treading water on Tuesday to bouncing off the walls with unfocused excitement yesterday to feeling absolutely shattered today – the countdown to Mark’s return is proving an emotional rollercoaster for me.

Clearly I peaked too soon on the excitement levels – yesterday’s adrenalin mixed in with Alby not sleeping properly has led to me being a total zombie today.  When Mark phoned earlier excited by the prospect of possibly coming home a day earlier rather than being excited I panicked.  With grizzly child in my arm, stubborn bulldog at my feet and a house which looks like was at the epicentre of a tornado the idea of having to present myself to anybody, even my love, seemed too much.

I don’t remember things being quite so crazy last time he was due home.  I remember being gutted when his flight was delayed – gutted, sad, angry and totally at a loss as to what to do which left me in an emotional tizz.  This time the emotions have come about a week early.  I’m completely distracted, turning from one thing to the next in mad panic. 

The only task I have properly seen through to completion is my gritting of the road.  From my house to the main road I have been out twice sweeping aside the snow and ensuring a good covering of grit. So experienced am I now at gritting – usually a man’s job in our household, that I even have my own technique to ensure maximum coverage for minimal effort. (No, I’m not going to explain – a good tradeswoman never shares her secrets).  Whilst I was treated to a nice smug feeling when I took Percy out for his evening walk, pleased that my efforts were not in vain as our road was the only one clear of snow, what most amazes me about this task is home completely and utterly unnecessary it is.

The other side of the patch
My work here is done

Yes we’ve got snow coming and yes it gets exceptionally icy and slippery up here and no, nobody else will do it.  But for somebody who has a to do list as long as they are tall spending three hours over the past few days sweeping, gritting and re-gritting the entire road is a little bit ridiculous.

As I said to my boss the other day, I’ve never been good at working out what’s a priority and what isn’t.  Mark may be able to get to the drive way easily enough but I’m not sure he’s going to want to come into the house!

1 comment:

  1. Erm, our road could use some you do international house calls???
