Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Alby and Percy: the next chapter

Alby and Percy have a very finely balanced relationship. 
On Trouble Monkey’s side, Percy gets a hello every morning, a goodbye every night and a hug every time we walk into the house (I can only put this down to true and total bulldog love but every time we come in the house Alby will walk up to Percy’s crate and flop on top of Percy).  Percy also gets food hand fed to him.
On Percy’s side, Alby gets his hands back unbitten after they have been in Percy’s mouth, somebody to clean up his dinner for him, an occasional lick and a huge dose of tolerance. 

Yesterday, the balance shifted very slightly – Percy chased a toy thrown by Alby.  And it happened again today.
For weeks now Alby has been going up to Percy in the middle of a play session and taken a toy right out of his mouth.  He’s then turned his back on Percy, toy raised in the air, and lobed it as far as he can (usually throwing it half a foot or so).  If I tried this I’d likely get a bulldog in my face.  Alby gets nothing - Percy just looks at the toy and waits for me to resume play. 
Either his confidence in Alby is growing or he’s getting fed up having his toy time stalled by the grabbing mitts of a toddler, but as of yesterday play time stepped up a gear and we are one step closer to me being able to leave them to mind over each other when I pop off to do errands!

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