As Alby grows however, his morning nap isn’t needed with
quite the same urgency as before and he can now go a good hour or more longer
before wanting to crash out. Indeed, why
would one want to sleep when one can charge around the house making mischief and
bashing into things? The problem is that
Alby is wanting his morning nap at almost exactly the time that I need to
bundle him up and send him off to nursery. And no matter how tired he is when
he gets to nursery he is always so distracted by the other children, toys,
books and activities that he just fights sleep until the point of no return –
which recently has happened both mid-nappy change and mid-lunch.
Knowing how precious sleep is for babies (and yes adults
too, but we’ll get to me another day) this has naturally concerned me. Books
talk about the importance of sleep for physical development, but I see the emotional
side; the little boy in need of lots of cuddles and comfort feeds because he
doesn’t know what to do with himself.
And whilst I love the cuddles and connection we have, I’d rather they
come from a bright eyed Trouble Monkey than a Zombie with dwarfism.
And so yesterday, when Alby fell asleep during the ten
minute car journey from Buggy Fit back to the base, I decided to let him sleep.
We could leave nursery for a little bit,
and he could snoo contentedly in his car seat for as long as he wanted (which
turned out to be 45 minutes).
Now before you start calling social services on me I did not
abandon him in the car for 45 minutes.
Nope, not me. With my work day
about to start I went into the house, got a drink, my laptop and my phone and
went back to the car. I pushed the
driver’s seat back and got on with answering emails.
Not quite the image I had of myself as the “work at home
mother” but I’ll take it.
Today when we did a similar mad dash back home from swimming
and the same thing happened I tried out a new idea – I managed to gently move
Alby from car seat to buggy without waking, covered him in blankets and delivered
to nursery a well padded angel-boy.
With his morning naps taking place later in the day his afternoon
naps have also shifted. But I’ve already
got that covered. The darker nights mean
that Percy’s evening walk is now happening at 4pm, just in time for Alby’s
afternoon snoo.
Of course the success of the afternoon sleep depends largely
on the success of the morning nap, but if today and yesterday prove to be more
than just fluke, then I will feel as though I’ve won the jackpot.
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