Monday, 26 November 2012

A letter to my hero

Dear Mr AA Man,
Thank you so much for providing service with a smile at the end of what must have been an exceptionally long and wet day.  I’m sorry to have called you out for something so silly as a knackered battery but I promise I had honestly believed it to be a far more substantial issue involving at the very least a flooded engine.

My one little bit of advice for the future would be to see if you could get there just a little bit quicker.  1hour15 minutes really is quite a long time to wait with a little one.  Yes, we managed to kill time in Tesco and yes, the doctor’s surgery being open until 6:30pm meant we were able to stay warm and dry throughout, but judging from some of the looks we got I think we may have over stayed our welcome.  Whilst the nurses found Alby’s face pressed up against the glass door from waiting room to appointment rooms endearing I doubt the cleaners will feel the same.  The rather posh looking lady reading Horse and Hound magazine would certainly have wished a speedier turn around as such would have prevented Alby from waddling up to her, grabbing the magazine out of her hand and dropping it on the floor. 
That said, award for the most keen to see us leave would have to go to the very sickly looking woman, huddled on the edge of the benches with her head in her hands and her jumper pulled up to her chin, sitting beside her urine sample pot.  Bless her – who knew Alby would get tired of bashing the toys together? Who knew that he would tire of pushing the toy vacuum cleaner around?  Who knew that in his head urine sample container translates to “toy” and he would make a beeline for it, arms in the air and grin across his face? 

But you did arrive and the comedy of watching your 6ft4 frame try to squeeze into the car (which would barely open as a car had decided to park right on the line next to us) and then into the driver’s seat (which I had left in the perfect driving position – well, perfect that is for me and my bolshy 5ft2 frame) more than made up for the delay.

Thirty minutes, £87 and one new battery later and we were on the road back home (albeit a slightly different road to normal as the flooding has sealed off the front gate).

I’m afraid you will have to share your hero status with Sally and the girls who kindly came and saved Percy, but a hero all the same. 

Yours with thanks,

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