Monday, 5 November 2012

Mummy fail #370

Wow Mummy fails are coming along thick and fast at the moment.  Today’s was an absolute classic and there was something so slapstick about it that I’m actually still chuckling now.
Tonight’s dramatic moment occurred when we were taking Percy out for his evening walk.  We had just come to the path across the golf course which has recently been cleared.  Whilst I appreciate that the guys stuck with this job have been given it as suitable punishment for some such misdemeanour, you can’t help feel sorry for them considering they have been out in wind, rain, hail and snow. 
Anyhoo, I digress.  We get to the path and Percy decides he wants to have a snuffle about so I wonder off with him and don’t realise that Alby and the buggy are still moving.  Not usually an issue – a small bump on the curb or into the grass and alls well.  Not this time though as the curb has been removed.  Instead the soldiers have dug a 5 inch gutter alongside the path to help with drainage (one can only presume).  Buggy wheel went into the gutter, twisted and, in slow motion, the entire pushchair and Alby fell to the side and then forward. 
I swore, ran over, hoisted Alby and pushchair up again and would have been writing this with a very heavy heart if it wasn’t for the fact that Alby didn’t even blink.  He wasn’t shaken, he wasn’t upset and he looked at me as if to say “what are you doing in my face?” 
My brave boy! (Or should I start to worry that this could be a sign of serious brain damage…?) 

Whilst there is no doubt that allowing your child to go headfirst into the wet, cold, mud is a Mummy fail I’m feeling like a bit of a hero tonight as it is 10:30pm and I have sealed up the house, got ready for bed and will be turning the lights off just as soon as this post is done!  Not bad for a week night.  Not bad at all. (And it almost makes up for the fact that I don’t know where the car key is or my Tesco clubcard.)

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