Today is Mothering
Sunday and it’s been a corker of a day. The
first treat came a few days ago when a delivery man dropped off a beautiful
bouquet of tulips for me which Mark had organised and a Mother’s Day card from
Alby he made at nursery.
I confess the boys
didn’t deliver the most promising of starts this morning with Percy waking me
at 4am so he could go outside for a comfort break and then Alby putting aside
any suggestion of a Sunday lie in by waking up at 6:30am, but a phone call from
Mark and long morning nap from Alby giving me some free time soon got us back
on track and it was giggles and snuggles from there on in.
Mark phoning this
morning was certainly the icing on the cake.
I confess that even silly holidays like today which have long since had their
original meaning boycotted by Clinton Cards have a slightly sour taste to them
when Mark isn’t here. I guess it’s just
because holidays are all so focused on families but I feel his absence more.
Getting to talk to him was just lovely (although I’m not entirely sure if “talking
to” is the correct phrase and it’s more a case of me speaking at him for twenty
minutes as a combination of excitement and a desire to cram a weeks worth of
news into just one conversation leads to a strong dose of verbal diarrhoea by
Ho hum, whilst I
didn’t get my hubbie I ensured plenty of Beebe love by heading over to his
parents for lunch (and to drop off a card and gift for his mum). Despite being grey and freezing outside we
took the boys to a little park down the road.
Community Park
is set up specifically for toddlers and Alby thought it was brilliant. Today’s
playtime was cut short by my fingers turning blue but I’ve already got images
in my mind of Alby and Mark running around it in the summer.
And finally Alby
spoilt me by not falling asleep in the car.
Instead the two of us snuggled down for a two hour nap in the afternoon –
utter bliss and seriously needed after a busy week and manic few days. Percy asleep on his bed across the room
completed the picture.
With Father’s Day a
couple of months away I’m going to be hard pressed to ensure Mark gets as
lovely a day but to be honest my concern is more for him than for me. Mark has totally out done himself this year
remembering and marking every holiday with flowers or a gift – he has set
himself a very high standard to follow, bless him.
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