Monday, 15 October 2012

Chocolate Trouble Monkey

Chocolate trimmed top
Friday marked two firsts for Alby: first taste of chocolate and first taste of cake.  Before people start pointing the finger at me for being a thoroughly irresponsible parent I would like to highlight that the event happened at nursery and I knew nothing of it until I picked him up in the afternoon.  It was his nursery friend and partner in crime’s birthday and to celebrate Sunni turning one his mum had brought in chocolate cake for one and all.

Whilst I have no intention of making chocolate a regular feature of Alby’s diet I confess to being relieved that this particular milestone has been crossed.  When we were doing NCT classes the topic of introducing chocolate came up and Mark placed himself very firmly in the “no chocolate until 3 years old” category.  I was, in theory, a bit more flexible being under no illusion that whilst I can control the flow of junk food in my own home nursery, parties and grandparents will be quite a different thing.

That said, moderation and I are not good friends.  I’m an all of nothing girl – something I find a weakness as much as a strength.  And so, whilst I have no trouble signing up to the notion of flexibility implementing such can be quite a different thing.  In a few weeks Alby turns one and I’ve already wasted many hours debating in my head whether or not he should be allowed birthday cake.  With Mark away I feel the burden of such decisions keenly and they grow out of all proportion from something very small into some life defining decision.

And then along comes lovely nursery, who not only keep me grounded but keep me on the lighter side of life.  And allow Trouble Monkey his first mouthful of chocolate.  And of cake.  Together.  Such fun!

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