Monday, 1 July 2013

Army living

Last week was hand’s down the most Army-intensive week I’ve had of my life so far.  As I’ve very briefly mentioned in the past I am now involved in my local Military Wives Choir.  Truth be told I’m really enjoying it – not only is it lovely to meet new people, but singing exercises mental and vocal muscles and being almost 15 years out of practice I’m finding it a good challenge.  On Friday last week it was my first concert with the choir and as such every evening was either spent in extra rehearsals or locked away upstairs practicing.
With the Regiment’s Medal Parade taking place on Saturday, the evenings spent singing to myself at home also saw me taking up the trousers on Mark’s uniform.  Meanwhile Mark covered the dining room table in his polishing cloths and jars as he cleaned his belt, shoes and sword until they were gleaming. 

Even the somewhat routine morning dog walk involved high activity – much to Percy’s utter disgust.  I keep trying to tell him that I didn’t purposefully time our dog walk with the local RAF bases morning Formation flying exercises nor with the Regiments’ drill practice, such was just a happy / unhappy coincidence. 

As Alby kicked his legs, pointed skywards and shouted “nee-yow” at the planes, Percy jumped, shook and did all he could to either sink into the ground or get the hell home.  Once I’d finally get him to relax about the planes, we’d round the corner and walk into hundreds of men in uniform shouting or marching to the beat of the rather loud drum leading the way.  Again, a delight for Alby but a living nightmare for Percy.
From army themed singing, sewing and dog walking, the highlight of the week came on Saturday when we saw the troops march through the city, receive their medals, give a speech or two and have a well-deserved drink.
Well, that was the highlight for me.  For Alby, I think it came in chasing ducks and pidgeons at the park, playing with other children around the playground and chasing his friend Milly in the tropical rain forest.  

For Percy it was spending the whole day at home on his bed with no baby to poke him, me to drag him outside or RAF jets to scare the living daylights out of him.

I’m a proud wife today.  A very proud wife.  This lifestyle brings with it a lot of challenges for us all but you know what, the boy did good.  Very good.

1 comment:

  1. Does Mark realise that one of the reasons for you marrying him was to get closer to the Red Arrows?
