Monday, 1 July 2013

Alby at twenty months

Alby loves…
  • Running.  Especially in the opposite direction to where you want to go, away from the pushchair, up and down small slops and around and around the house.  The loop from the living room to the kitchen and back again being a particular favourite for chasing.
  • Standing on random pieces of furniture and than shouting, loudly “get down”
  • Shouting the word tractor.  Especially if there isn’t a tractor anywhere in sight
  • Seeing diggers, helicopters, lorries, trucks and buses
  • Anything to do with cars – from lining up his toy cars to sending them down the slide to sitting in our actual car.  Honestly, just being left in the car for thirty minutes at a time is pure paradise to Trouble Monkey
  • Balls – of any size or shape.  Although they are all referred to as footballs.  In fact, so certain is he of all balls being footballs that even my large beaded necklace was renamed “football football” by him the other day
  • Blowing raspberries. Anywhere really, but on daddy’s back is a particular treat and bound to cause mild hysteria
  • Jumping on the bed.  He also does a pretty good face plant on the bed jumping on it and then toppling forward without bending at all.  Thank goodness the mattress is super soft
  • Saying “bye bye” to pretty much anyone and anything – from the checkout lady at Tesco to random people on the street to the swing at the play park, his cars at bedtime and even a bottle of shampoo. 
  • Splashing in the bath at either grandparents house.  With my parents he goes for the kicking splash.  At Mark’s parents it’s more about the arms
  • Blowing bubbles in the bath.  He fills up his bucket with water, lifts it to his mouth and blows bubbles for ages
  • Doing the washing up (and giving Mama a good bossing at the same time).  We got into a habit of Alby standing on a chair beside me when I go the washing up.  Nowadays he just has to hear the water running and he pulls on the dining room chairs.  When I go to them he runs into the kitchen and points at the floor to let me know where the chair is mean to go, climbs onto it quick as a flash and then drops anything (and I do mean anything) that he can lay his hands on into the water
  • Snogging.  Honestly, I need to teach this child how to kiss with his mouth closed.  It’s just messy.
  • Playing with other children.  Really anybody under about 8 years old will do.  He’s one sociable little Trouble Monkey.  Thankfully he seems to have grown out of the just hugging strangers phase which is pretty good as other children didn’t seem to appreciate the love quite as much as Alby expected
  • Ice lollies.  I’ve made a batch of home made ice lollies which are basically water with a splash of apple juice.  I don’t know if it’s a teething thing but Alby will crunch his way through a whole one (and they are pretty big) now like it’s nothing at all.
  • His Mama. I know because I asked him if he loved me and he nodded his head and said “yeh”.  For the record he also loves Dada, Percy, GG, Boppa, Narna and Brooks. 

Basically, he’s a little kid with a big heart and I love him completely.

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