Monday, 18 July 2016

Sunny days are naked days

Following a very grey, wet and windy June summer appears to have returned. England has been blessed with beautiful blue skies, glorious sunshine and heat. And as any young boy will tell you the best way to celebrate / cope with sunshine is by being naked. 
Despite me going through the dressing process with both boys every morning by lunchtime they are completely naked, running in and out of the house and garden, normally via the paddling pool ensuring a house full of delighted squeals and muddy footprints. 
So thrilled is Alby at being naked he has come up with his own song which I know have stuck in my head. To be sung along (in the most part) to the tune of Music maker it goes: "I am the naked man, I come from down your steet and I can be naked, I can be naked..."
This little ditty is belted out at top volume as he runs around the house, high knees, whilst George stomps and twirls nearby. 
I'm afraid I won't be sharing the photos I have of this online but shall leave to your imagination and with luck you may get close to a true sense of the ridiculous revelry we're being treated to.

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