Thursday, 28 July 2016

Mummy fail #1736

George chipped his tooth today. 15months of being perfect then along comes my lack of discipline and his front tooth is now incomplete. My poor little lamb. Boy did he cry but then I would if I'd been jumping/dancing in the bath, slipped (inevitably) and bashed my face against the side. We were on FaceTime with alarm when it happened so a nice call for daddy: "oh yes daddy, we're all fine, having a grand time" cue splash, very loud tears, phone dropping and me shouting to be heard over the cries (my god babies are loud) "we'll call you back."
My boys are tough - thank goodness - with mummy fails like this they have to be.cwithin five minutes George had calmed to the occasional son and our chaotic conversation with daddy resumed. We were finally able to actually say what a great day it had been (though given the face smash who knows if he believed us). But it had been amazing. A day at being five bombed by Hawks, owls and vultures at the local bird park. And I do mean dive bombed. In their safety announcement they say "you will have to duck and I don't mean a nod of the head I mean touch your shoes duck." My parents then proceeded to smile and swear in equal measure during the flying displays with Alby saying "bloomin' lek" over and over by the end! We saw a duck race, collected our stamps and hunted down golden eggs, got grizzled at by an owl called Humbug, watched two wheelchair users almost get decapitated by an eagle and watched Alby eat an ice cream whilst wearing my gillet because "it's so cold today".
There is something about Alby making my dad laugh that is just the best thing in the world to me. I'm not saying there's anything special about Alby compared to other four year olds and all he does is come out with those "kids say the best things" type of stuff so it's not the content that provides the magic. I guess it's the chemistry or something but I always know that when you put the two of them together you'll get a good three or four cases of my dad just bursting into laughter/choking on his tea because of something Alby has said. And with each instance you want to bottle it up and say "there, that's what true happiness looks like." I don't want to dismiss how lovely it is when my mum laughs with Alby, far from it, her face lights up and it has magic too but there is just something about Alby and Brooks that nestles in my heart.
As well as seeing the birds with my folks it's been a day of family - messages with my brother in the morning, gifts from GG Rita in the afternoon and s phone call from GG Jouce in the evening. Maybe they all sensed a mummy fail was on the horizon - haha. Whatever the reason it's been a good day. A good day to chip a tooth.

And as a side bar please note that even in bodily damage George is proving competitive with Alby. Alby chipped his tooth in the same bathroom albeit on the sink not the bath and the when he was three not one but still. as we get ready to move house again I appear to be feeling nostalgic - or maybe that's because it's gone midnight, but there's something nice about them being able to have these similar experiences even if they are of the mummy fail variety.

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