Sunday, 1 November 2015

Four years of The Bug

Yesterday my little man turned four. Gone are the days of being "three and three quarters" he is now four and bloomin' proud of it. Bless him and his cotton socks. Or more accurately bless him and his bare feet.
He's had a good birthday and it's not over with yet. The celebrations started on Friday with the Halloween party at nursery. On his actual birthday he woke to a house of decorations, Frosties for breakfast (something he's been looking forward to since August) and a good selection of new toys (with prize for best gift going to Auntie Katie for her formula one remote controlled car). The morning dog walk past Tesco included a free face painting (green monster) and then he headed off with daddy to a friend's party. Next stop a quick costume change and out for his first ever trick or treating outing where our neighbours did us good. Plenty of pumpkins and fellow trick or treaters out and about reminding us we do live in a community and a friendly community at that. Conscious of how quickly his bucket filled up with sweets we had to bypass a number of houses for fear of ending up with two years worth of lollipops and candies.
Back home to bed and more celebrations today with Alby's grandparents coming over for Sunday lunch (fish pie at Alby's request) and a misty walk up the hill. As it turns out being four is really hard work and the little man crashed out on the sofa after lunch only being roused by promise of birthday ice cream - soft scoop vanilla in a cone with smarties and a candle in the middle.
Alby went in the back pouch for the first part of the walk and I carried him. It's been a long time since I last carried him for that long and up hill and my goodness he has grown. My thighs were killing. Thankfully his legs had energy again for the flat and downhill parts and once a suitable stick was found the ninja boy was off and away.
Next week we've got his birthday party and so the fun continues as it should do - he's an awesome little fella. Yes he has his moments but they are usually down to my mummy fails than him (a hard truth but a truth nonetheless and something I need to remember each day). He is a good kid, a great kid,  and celebrating the moment that the world changed from not having Alby in it to having Alby in it seems obvious. I love him. All four years of him.

Happy birthday my Halloween hug bubble

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