Friday, 20 February 2015

My favourite sound

Mondays and Wednesdays are Alby and mummy days.  It’s no lie to say that I really appreciate having two whole days every week with my little man and that I’m fortunate enough to be able to work part time is something that I truly don’t take for granted.
When Mark comes home from work and asks about our day it’s often a case more of what haven’t we done than what have we done.  Today we took Percy for a walk, went to music class, visited the doctor’s, topped up on groceries at the supermarket, got the car washed, headed home to watch a film together, did some chores around the house, took Percy for a walk stopping at the pharmacy, library and post office along the way, came home for dinner, puzzles, stories and finally bed. 

Along the way we sang songs, told stories, talked about racing cars (a lot) discussed our plans for the rest of the week and shared snacks.  Let’s not go pretending that the day is a breeze with Alby and I in total harmony.  There were several mummy fails and toddler fails along the way as there always are (the first one today being when I had the audacity to turn off my bedroom light whilst Alby was in the toilet.  As he was quick to inform me, with much flailing of the arms and stomping of the legs, that is his job).   But there were also cuddles, giggles, kisses, silliness and giggles too.  Alby’s laughter nourishes the soul.  It keeps me smiling and I love him for the happiness that he has and the happiness that he shares.  

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