Sunday, 11 January 2015

A flamily venture

My super boys
 Today we turned our back on the pile of clothes waiting to be ironed, the living room floor in desperate need of a hoover and Alby’s latest unfinished art project and headed off for a family walk on Salisbury Plain.

Adventure bullhound
We started the walk under a grey cloudy sky being buffeted by strong, oh so cold winds and… it was glorious.  Too often we fail to give enough time to actually spend time together as a family. Weekends can pass in a blur of chores, dog walks and grocery shopping.  Whilst we do whatever we can together, working alongside each other (Alby is becoming a dab hand at dusting, cooking, loading the dishwasher and woe betide the fool who tries to feed Percy without allowing Alby to help out) we collapse into bed on a Sunday evening wondered where the weekend went.  Or at least I do.
Not today though.  Today we went out together, we worked our way across the undulating landscape left from the Stone Age, claimed a hill, listened to Mark’s stories of training nights out in the area during Sandhurst days, map read, found sticks to tackle thorns with and even tickled Highland cattle (well Mark did).

Fluffy friends found on the way
In Alby speak, it was a great Flamily Venture.  I don’t know when the next one will come. No doubt as the new year gets further underway work craziness will come knocking at our door once more which is to say nothing of the fact that in around 15 weeks we’ll be dealing with the brilliant, challenging ridiculousness that is life with a new born.  And to be honest I don’t really care when the next one comes.  Today we took a break from living alongside each other to being together and it was lovely. 

1 comment:

  1. Well done to you all, Sounds like the best way to start a New Year, it's what life is, love sharing and togetherness. Makes for the best memories also. xxxx
