Thursday, 12 June 2014

Story teller Alby

Following on from my last post (glossing over the fact that such was two months and one house move ago) inspired by the 100 days of Happiness challenge I’ve started keeping a little note book by my bed were I jot down the things that have made me smile today.  It’s a book of appreciation, happiness and daily highlights.  I won’t bore you with all my posts which generally rotate between online shopping, dog walk fun, Alby giggles and catching up with my husband, but this evenings key moment, shared between Alby, Mark and myself, is definitely one for sharing…
Story teller Alby

To set the scene, it was bath time for the buglet however he clearly had other ideas.  Having demanded a sandwich he strutted around his bedroom (ham roll in hand) wearing nothing but a grubby t-shirt as he lectured Mark and I on the possessions in his room: “These are my books.  And these ones are my books.  And this is the hole where my books live.”  He then told us that he was going to read us a story and pulled ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets’ off the bookshelf.  Our version has a picture of Harry and the Hogwarts Express on the front, which led Alby to tell us that the story was “Harry and the train.” 
He sat down, crossed his legs, put the book in his lap, opened it with one hand (as the other hand twirled about his ham roll) and started reading.  “Harry’s got to get the train.  He opens the door”(turns several pages) “and there is the polar bear” (more pages turned) “and there is the lion”  (flicks to the last page which is a promotion of other books) “and some books”.   He then looks up and announces “The End”. 
You are meant to take a picture along with each Happiness entry.  I’ve not been very good at this, I’m not really a fan of living my life through a camera frame, but even if I were it would have failed on this occasion.  My whole body was shaking with laughter and I had tears of joy streaming down my face with every word we spoke. 

My silly, semi-naked, funny little chap.  My daily does of happiness. 


  1. So glad you are back, I shall be waiting for my story time next time we meet, I am sure he shall want to read a Hippo a story. xx

  2. He's got a new animal pop up book with a hippo in it - just what you want! x
