Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Mummy fail #577

Last Tuesday I had a meeting in London.  Mark had some work to catch up on and so to give him a bit of undisturbed office time (which it transpired also translated to a game of golf but we’ll leave that for another day) Alby headed to the city with me.

As I met with work colleagues, had a grumble and worked out our plans for the next year, Alby bashed his way around the Natural History Museum with my best friend Kate.
A cultured day out in London doesn’t quite qualify as a Mummy Fail so you may interpret the story so far as me softening you up to my fail.  A fail which started on the train to London with Alby’s breakfast – a packet of crisps, and ended with his pub dinner – a plate of chips.

To soften the Mama Fail slightly, the breakfast crisps were organic baby-friendly baked crisps which cost a ridiculous amount to soften my ego, but they were still crisps.  And the evening dinner may have come with a fish finger sandwich and a vegetable garnish but let’s be honest, Alby pretty much just ate the chips. 

To extend the Fail slightly, Kate admitted Alby had also stolen a handful of chips from her boyfriends plate at lunchtime.  So all in all a healthy diet for the little man.

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