Sunday, 19 May 2024

I feel like I’ve had a real upgrade

Yesterday we went to the independent children’s bookstore in town to spend Bean’s birthday vouchers. Inevitably we spent twice the amount we had vouchers for. Inevitably he chose

a book I thought wasn’t the wisest choice; it’s from a series I don’t know and is a chapter book which he is still far from reading. Or so we thought. 

We were out for dinner and the boy just sat at the table and started reading. He wanted to get to the end of the page and just cracked on. Beyond himself with pride when page one was done, he went onto page 2. And continued until the whole first chapter was done, breaking only to ask me words. 

This morning, he was reading again. Breaking only to look at a different book he’d bought. 

This is not normal behaviour but he is so impressed with himself and I love he feels rewarded with self-annointed happiness for his efforts. At the table just now he said: I think I’ve grown up. I feel Like I’ve had a real upgrade. If I were a computer game I’d be up two levels with this reading.