Sunday, 8 May 2022

Who’s a witch?


What a charmer 

Lava lamp

 So…I bought Bean a lava lamp today. Only when I got home and opened the box did the age warning on the information sheet make itself known to me. Apparently I’m 7 years early given the bottom of the lamp gets so hot it can burn if touched.  Oh well, it’s plugged in now so best thing we can do is move out of Bean’s reach.

I suspected the boys would enjoy it. I confess I didn’t quite realise how much chat, commentary and giggles it would bring from both of them. If this keeps up maybe I can claim the telly back and my own…? 

Also it only cost £12.99 from the range. Which likely means it will have broken by the end of the week, but we’ll enjoy it whilst we can.