Today was the first day schools were closed to all but key workers. Whilst our friends across the country tried their hand at homeschooling, our boys headed back into school to be two of the 20 children still in lessons.
Bean was not at all bothered by the new set up. He had a good few friends in, they ate left over birthday cake for a morning snack and made their own Easter cupcakes in the afternoon. They spent most of the day running around with teacher's and students adopting a very holiday club style approach to the day as they celebrated bright sunshine after months of rain, rain, rain. It was still pretty chilly outside but, all in all, a pretty epic day if you are four years old.
Bug was not quite so keen on the new set up. His best friends weren't in, they were limited in where they could play during break times, had to sit further apart during lunch time and, the new rules that children have to wash their hands at the end of each lesson meant that he came home with very sore hands. I've promised that tomorrow he can take in a football, frisbee and pot of hand moisturiser for fear of his hands turning reptilian before the week is up.
Sore hands |
Today the government banned groups of more than 2 people / family groups from socialising, closed all stores except those selling food, petrol and medicine and generally told everyone - very firmly, to stay home. I'm surrounded by incredibly successful and hard-working people. As grateful as I am for the child-free hours I enjoyed today which allowed my team to really get through some key work, I do struggle with how divisive the current situation has the potential to be. For now, we're taking each day at a time. Thinking too far ahead makes my brain spin.