Thursday, 11 July 2019

The end of Pre-Prep

For the last month we’ve been preparing for the end of term. It started for the children with their Prep school transition programme, beginning with Friday lunches with the Year 3s (getting to carry their own tray and choose their food causing unbelievable excitement), then weekly library sessions followed by reading with their new teacher.  For the parents it’s been a bit more chaotic; pulling together collections for end of term teacher’s gifts, coordinating an end of term BBQ the last Sunday of term and a picnic the last day of term, making handprint cards and baking cookies with the boys and then getting everything handed over - to which we had a plan but forgot about the single focused mind of 7 year olds which meant the hoped for coordinated gift presentation was in reality a shambles relay race of one gift followed by another at high speed and without anything close to grace.

And then the grand finale: the Leavers Assembly. A Harry Potter themed hour with every child having the chance to read their own compositions, speak of their future aspirations and get a gift from the teachers. The highlight of the assembly came from William. The children have recently been visiting their local care home and Dementia Society group, building on a relationship they’ve developed over the years. When asked what they want to be when they are older William had quickly and unwaveringly said he wanted to be a Dementia or Care Home Helper. The teacher’s were so touched that they have a big red cuddly heart cushion with arms (for hugs) they are introducing to the Pre-Prep as a new treat; whenever a child impresses or goes beyond expectations in regards to demonstrating compassion or charity they get to spend some time with this now highly coveted snuggly cushion.

The sun was shining in a cloudless sky at the end of the day and we headed down to the playing field for football and a picnic. An hour of running and we broke the children - 4 lots of tears as the children crashed out. We’d been told there had been a few tears after the assembly as well as the reality of the end of term hits home.

For me, it’s been a sprint to the finish line.  So many late nights, so many emails, so many to do lists, so many hugs, so much love. It’s been exhausting and now that the summer holidays have officially started hasn’t quite sunk in, but it’s also been a blast.

Harry Alby Potter 

Getting ready for the sorting 

And I can't quite sign off a post about the end of term without highlighting another achievement by this superstar - and I'm gutted I wasn't there to see his face when his name was called out.  He doesn't get to keep the cup but has an amazing book as a prize and was beaming from ear to ear on pick up that day.  This chap gives everything 100% effort - he's growing into a real star and I'm so delighted we have the opportunity to send him to a school that really allows him - and his brother, to flourish!

Saturday, 6 July 2019

Court side

I’m typing court side this morning. Alby has discovered tennis this year, firstly as an after school club and now on a sunny Saturday morning at the local (or as local as possible) tennis club. He has found another sport to be passionate about and his focus, determination combined with his excellent hand eye coordination mean he’s already better than I’ve ever been. 

Having grown up standing on the side line of rugby pitches, wearing all the layers and wiping the rain off my face, tennis is a sport I can get behind. I confess I had been reluctant to give up my Saturday morning but for an hour Alby gets to run, throw and rally whilst I get an hour to myself. I’m not allowed on the court so I sit in the sunshine and read my book or - if intent turns into reality, get some time to actually write a blog post!