George took his first solo step on Christmas day. Launching himself from the bench in the living room into Boppa's waiting arms to great applause he solo walked all of one step for the first time ever. Fast forward five weeks (and we have to fast forward as nothing has happened for the past five weeks) and the little chap is at it again. Yesterday he took four steps from his Monkey Jungle toy into my arms (two to the side as he got balance and then two stumbles forward) and then again today he did a three step waddle from the washing machine to me. Made all the more special by Mark being in the kitchen to see it.
The little fella isn't even ten months old yet and he's started walking. I suspect had I encouraged it more he might have been even faster but to be honest he's already too fast for me.
Mark missed this with Alby. He learned of the prolonged solo standing, the waddles and stumbles and steps through email and this blog. This time round Daddy gets to witness and judging from the amazement in his eyes and smile on his face he's pretty pleased to be here.
Sadly I've not been trigger happy enough to capture any of this solo standing or solo steps on camera. I've been trying to use my phone less and that means missing out on recording moments here and there but I'm putting faith in my memory. I remember vividly the first time Alby stumbled forward, in my mum's living room. I was sleep deprived then but somehow my brain managed to store away the image, I've got my fingers crossed the same will happen this time round.