Manic Monday buddy |
I have a confession. Unloading the trolley of children and shopping this afternoon I took a moment to stand there in the rain and wonder "why do people have two children?" Really the question should have just been one of "why do people have children?"
The boys had done nothing wrong. They'd actually been on brilliant form all day. The question wasn't based any obvious parenting gripe - sick/snot on the shoulder, tantruming child, whining child... As I say the boys were on top form. But my body ached from carrying George whilst pushing round a full trolley complete with helpful 4 year old. Standing there with 2pm feeling like midnight and my mind completely focused on the most effective way to reach my caffeinated beverage of choice whilst also ensuring both children were safely strapped in their seats I asked the guilty question of "why do we do this."
The answer is of course totally obvious. It's because we love it. Even the ones that do involve sick/snot on the shoulder and tantrums. It's all bloody brilliant but boy do I know how to make things hard for myself at times. Mondays being the best example. Here's how today went (and please note I feel the following should be sung along to some jaunty tune as if being narrated in a particularly peppy children's TV show):
Helping with the tidying (or not) |
Got myself and both boys dressed, fed and watered
Fed the dog
Walked the dog
Got out the house by 8.45am
Made it to Albug's music class only two minutes late
Paid a cheque in at the bank
Purchased first caffeinated beverage so as not to get into trouble for pre-schooler toilet dash in high street coffee place
Went to soft play for an hour
Made it to George's music class - bonus points for being on time
Supermarket number one (whilst feeding and then carrying a sleeping George)
Got new keys cut
Went around supermarket number two
Filled up the car with diesel (less than £1 a litre, I couldn't believe it)
Unpacked the car, set Alby up in front of a film, fed and got George to sleep
Cooked soup (for tomorrow's dinner), kedgeree (for tonight's dinner) and pasta for Alby (because he asked)
And so to bed... |
Walked the dog
Ate with family whilst reading the end of George's Marvellous Medicine
Got Alby to bed
Got George to sleep
Chatted with husband
Resettled George
Admired a bulldog
Made packed lunches for tomorrow
Packed nursery bags for tomorrow.
I am not claiming to be superwoman. I have friends with three children and I've even heard of some mad couples with five or six, heaven forbid. Nor am I making claim as owner of the busiest day. Hubbie set off to work at 6.30 this morning and didn't return for another 12 hours. Im just sharing my guilty secret, that if you see me staring into the distance on a manic Monday it is most likely to be a result of me asking "why?"