Saturday, 22 August 2015

See the little Goblin…

See his little feet.  See his little nosey wosey, isn’t the Goblin sweet?


Earlier this week Mark renamed George as Goblin.  At four months he is this cute, smiling, gabbling, shrieking, head wobbling, rolling, grumbling goblin. He’s not quite as big as Alby was at this age but he has acquired a big Buddha belly and plenty of fat rolls along his legs and arms.  He smiles with his whole face, his chin touching his chest when he is at his most happy. He is a goblin. 

He started rolling over a few weeks ago (Monday 20 July at the soft play to be exact).  In typical baby fashion it happened when I wasn't looking and wasn't repeated for another few days but now he can’t stop himself.  Also in typical baby style he hasn't learnt to roll back yet so keeps getting stuck, getting tired and then starts shouting until he is rescued. Normally by Mark or myself but let’s not pretend that big brother hasn't offered his help on occasions, such as earlier this morning when I walking into the living room to find Goblin lying on top of Albug.  That is absolutely not how I left him!
Why stay on your mat when you can roll off and end up with handfuls and mouthfuls of grass?

I do find it quite ridiculous – you put George on the floor and he almost instantly rolls.  To begin with he's happy, unhooks his arm, looks around and sometimes even manages to squirm about a bit by kicking his legs.  And then he gets tired and starts shouting and you save him by rolling him back and before you've stood up he has rolled again and is having a good shout.  It takes 80 repetitions to teach a bulldog a new trick but goblin is making Percy looks positively genius with his refusal to learn not to roll over if it’s only going to make you shout.

I haven’t got round to videoing our little chat sessions yet but I really must as they make me smile so much.  He’s like a little monkey as he oohs and tries to mimic your facial expressions and make new sounds.  Alby loves it when George talks, giggling madly and running over asking “what are you talking about Chatty McChatsterble?” He often becomes a bit over excited, getting right in George’s face but bless him, the little fella doesn't seem to mind and there are times every day when I'm so grateful for having Alby to help teach and entertain George: today I needed to finish unpacking from out holiday and had George propped up on the pillows on the bed hoping he wouldn't get too bored too quickly.  In comes Alby who then does various forward rolls / random throwing himself from one corner of the bed to the other and George was mesmerised.  He sat there for a good fifteen minutes dribbling down his stomach, head moving from one side of the bed to the other as he tracked his crazy brother around.

The best thing about little Goblin is Goblin with daddy.  Mark missed out on loads during the early months with Alby. Playtimes were often cut short by him having to pack or unpack and it interrupted things.  Seeing Daddy with his Goblin makes my heart smile.  And there’s something really lovely that I actually find myself missing George during the day because he’s spending so much time with daddy.  

Snuggled in and fast asleep
I always wanted us to be equal parents and the summer holidays give Daddy the chance to really be there with his boys and the pay off is immediate – not always with Alby who becomes a little bugger at times when he is tired (being three can be hard) but Goblin is easy and all love.  And Mark gets to be involved in all sorts of George firsts that I'm not always sure he did with Albs, like yesterday when he sorted Goblin out for a doorway bounce (and dribble). 

First bounce

You'll never hear me say that being a mother is easy.  Being a good wife isn't always easy either.  (And I'm sure being a daddy and a husband is just as hard) but I wouldn't swap my Bug, my Goblin and my Love Love for anything.  Just look at them all; their so sweet.
My goblins